Garuda Padang Cuisine @ Vivocity
If you're not too particular about fried food, this is definitely worth a try. Then again, let's face it, if you're eating Indonesian Padang food, you can't be too health-conscious. Most of the dishes are fried or at least had their spices fried and let's not even talk about the use of coconut milk in many of the dishes.

Rendang Daging Sapi @ S$7.00
This is my least favourite of the dishes consumed for personal reasons: 1) I do not like the Sambal Chili used in such dishes as they tend to be on the sweet side and I'm not into sweet food & 2) I still can't get used to the flavour of Tempe (fermented soybean cake). I find the beany, fermented odour of Tempe a little too strong, which is strange considering that I love to eat blue cheese. Sharon was raving about it and so I tried a little. It was pretty delicious I must say, personal preferences aside, but I think I'm still a long way away from becoming a Tempe-fan. If you're inclined to try, think of it as Indonesian cheese and you might also like to know that it's a rich source of protein.
Garuda Padang Cuisine (Vivocity)
1 Harbourfront Walk
#B2-28 Vivocity
Singapore 098585
Tel: +65 6376-9595
Garuda Padang Cuisine (Cairnhill)
15 Cairnhill Road,
#02-01 Cairnhill Place,
Singapore 229650
Tel: +65 6735-4111
Operating Hours: 11.30am to 3pm & 6pm to 10.30pm (Daily)